Hold your horses before going out with your dog in the car. You’ll want to make sure that they have everything they need to keep them comfy and safe, right? You can guarantee that your dog will be loving life on the road once you’ve got your car geared up with all our top accessories.

1. Dogs now need seat belts
Seat belts for dogs! What is the world coming to? Who knew that you could protect your dog so much that they can now have their own seat belt! It’s no surprise really given that we all tend to treat our dogs like humans anyway, so why not give them a seat belt to add to the look too. With a variety of different options available, catered to meet the needs of all breeds of all sizes, your fur baby will be well looked after.

2. Dog swings
Forget about the waterproof covers, you can pamper your pooch with an entire back seat hammock! An actual hammock for your dog, doesn’t get more luxury than that, does it? These sound ridiculous but could be so ideal for your next car journey. Your dog could have its own private space and you could also protect your seats at the same time, bonus!
3. Red carpet for your dog
Let your dog walk into your car in style with this gorgeous doggy ramp. Imagine pulling up at the shop and whipping your ramp out for your dog to get out! If this doesn’t make people look, then we don’t know what will. There’s plenty of ramps available for you to choose from, you can even get ones with a non-slip surface. Just keep an eye out for other dogs watching your furball strut their stuff getting out of the car.

4. No more being hot and flustered
Sweating your knackers off in a car on a really hot day is not what any dog needs. Think how we humans feel, imagine how your dog must feel with all that fur on top of them too. That’s why you can save your dog from being a sweaty mess thanks to this portable USB fan.
5. Be rid of that dog smell
There’s nothing worse than that awful dog smell when you walk into a room or when you open your car door. Depending on what dog you’ve got will vary on how much your dog smells, but no matter how much you try to air out your car, you can guarantee you’ll always be driving with the smelling lingering in the back. So what’s the solution? Car smellies! Saving the day once again and you can even get them in paw designs.

6. Doggy booster seat
If you’ve got kids then you’ll know how much they struggle to sit still. It’s the same with dogs. They’ll be jumping from one seat to the next in the backseat of your car. You know what we’re talking about and there’s just nothing worse when you’re trying to drive. That’s why you need a dog booster seat! You’ll never look back once you’ve sat your pooch in this seat. With adjustable straps and a leash, you can relax knowing that your dog baby is safe and comfortable.
7. Spill-proof water bowl
As if things couldn’t get any better, you can give your dog a drink in the car knowing that they won’t spill it everywhere. That’s probably more than we can say for our kids! Even our pets need a little drink on a long car journey, even if it’s just a sip to quench their thirst. This has to be up there with one of the best inventions ever, wouldn’t you agree?
Let us know if you buy any of the above for your pooch on our socials below, we’d love to know what you think!