Why Spring is the Perfect Time to Change Your Filters

Spring is the perfect time to take care of all those maintenance repairs that you've been putting off. You might have a long list to battle with, but just make sure that your filters are included in there too as spring is the perfect time for replacing.

Spring is just around the corner and we’re sure that you all have a long list of tasks that you need to tackle, but some of us often seem to forget about our car, especially our filters. Our cars often get ignored but it’s important that we prepare our cars for the heat of the summer after all that harsh and cold winter driving. Although you may try and avoid preventative maintenance wherever possible, one of the best things you can do to prepare your car for the spring is to change your car’s filters. During the spring our filters work twice as hard so it’s a good idea to make sure they are ready to continue working properly and keep our cars running before all the pollen hits.

Here is why you should change your filters this spring:

1. Less stress on the system

You may already be familiar with this, but the easier your car’s airflow the better. Your cabin air filter is designed to remove dust and pollen from the air that you breathe, as well as helping to keep your car temperature regulated and fuel usage. As your air filter ages and gradually becomes more and more full of pollutants, this can cause your car’s engine to work harder. By not changing your air filter you’re lowering your car’s fuel efficiency and increasing the emissions, which could potentially result in your engine stalling.

2. Better air quality

If you suffer from springtime allergies, then by changing your cabin air filter, you could be doing yourself a massive favour. Changing your air filter can help you to breathe better and depending on how blocked your previous filter was, you’ll receive much cleaner air with a new clean filter. If your air filter is dirty it can result in your air conditioner becoming blocked and can reduce your overall efficiency when on the road.

3. Pollen is a problem

Similar to the above, one of the important reasons why you should change your air filter is to ensure that you’re not breathing in all the pollen from outside. With pollen and other allergens becoming more prominent during the spring, your filter is constantly working hard so a new air filter can help to provide a fresh start to the spring and allow for those allergens to be filtered out. Even if you aren’t prone to any allergy concerns, it’s still worth replacing your cabin air filter as you could be at risk of getting ill.

4. Less car maintenance

Spring feels like the perfect time to clean everywhere, including your car. Even if you haven’t considered it before, changing your air filter is a must. It’s recommended that you replace your air filter roughly once a year or every 12,000 miles, whichever comes first. Now if you’re wondering whether or not you should change your cabin air filter yourself, in some car’s this can be a simple process but in others, it can be more difficult. Either way, changing your car’s air filter is one less thing to worry about when it comes to servicing your car so be sure to have a spring checkup when you can.

5. Prolong engine life

As a result of changing your car’s air filter, it can help to prolong your car’s engine life. The air filter is designed to trap damaging dirt and debris that can damage engine parts such as your pistons. As easy as it is to just ignore your car’s air filter, as outside air flows through it and it becomes clogged and can affect the performance of your engine over time. So to avoid costly repairs, maintain your vehicle and its engine life by replacing your air filter.

6. Quick and inexpensive fix

When it comes to changing your air filter it’s quite possibly one of the least expensive components to replace within your car and can actually be carried out by yourself. When it comes to replacing your air filter it’s crucially important to make sure that your replacement air filter is the correct one that is designed specifically for your exact make and model of car.

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